Friday, January 31, 2020

Film as a Subject of Study Essay Example for Free

Film as a Subject of Study Essay The tremendous expense involved in producing motion pictures reminds us that film is both an Industry, and an Art. Each film is the child of a turbulent marriage between businessmen and artists. Yet despite an ongoing battle between aesthetic and commercial considerations, film is now recognized as a unique and powerful art form on a par with Painting, Sculpture, Music, Literature, and Drama. As a form of human expression, the moving picture is similar to other artistic media, for the basic properties of other media are woven into its own rich fabric. Film employs the compositional elements of the visual arts: line, form, mass, volume and texture. Like painting and photography, film exploits the subtle interplay of light and shadow. Like sculpture, film manipulates three-dimensional space. But, like pantomime, film focuses on moving images, and as in dance, the moving images in film have rhythm. The complex rhythms of film resemble those of music and poetry; and like poetry in particular, film communicates through imagery, metaphor, and symbol. Like drama, film communicates visually and verbally : visually, through action and gesture; verbally, through dialogue. Finally, like the novel, film expands or compresses time and space, traveling back and forth freely within their wide border. Despite these similarities, film is unique. 1. It is set apart from all other media by its quality of free and constant motion. The continuous interplay of sight, sound, and motion allows film to transcend the static limitations of painting and sculpture – in the complexity of its sensual appeal as well as in its ability to communicate simultaneously on several levels. Film even surpasses drama in its unique capacity for revealing various points of view, portraying action, manipulating time, and conveying a boundless sense of space. 2. Unlike the stage play, film can provide a continuous, unbroken flow, which blurs and minimizes transitions without compromising the story’s unity. Unlike the novel and the poem, film communicates directly, not through abstract symbols like words on a page but through concrete images and sounds. What’s more, film can treat an almost infinite array of subjects. 3. There is almost nothing that the eye might behold or the ear hear, in actuality or imagination, which can’t be represented in the medium of film. From the North and South poles to the Equator, from the Himalayas as a vast mountain range to the minutest flaw in a piece of steel, from the whistling flight of a bullet to the slow growth of a flower, from the flicker of though across an almost impassive face to the frenzied ravings of a madman, there is no point in space no degree of magnitude or speed of movement within the apprehension of man which is not within reach of the film. To simplify what I’m getting at, recall the many faces of Gabbar Singh in the film Sholay, and you recall the power of film. 4. The Elasticity of Time in a Film Film is unlimited not only in its choice of subject but also in its approach to that material. A film can look to the remote past or probe the distant future; it can make a few seconds seem like hours or compress a whole century into minutes. Film can run the gamut of feeling from the most fragile, tender, and beautiful to the most brutal, violent, and repulsive. 5. Of even greater importance than film’s unlimited range in subject matter, however, is the overwhelming Sense of Reality it can convey. The continuous stream of sight, sound, and motion creates a here-and-now excitement that immerses the viewer in the cinematic experience. Thus, through film, fantasy assumes the shape and emotional impact of Reality. The technological history of film can in fact be viewed as an ongoing evolution toward greater realism, toward erasing the border between art and nature, between fiction and reality. In sum, Film is a uniquely powerful combination of the Seven Arts. II A. In the two pages above, a way of looking at films has been offered which says that films are more than just an entertaining way to pass the time. There is an art, and a science to them, which usually goes unnoticed. When you begin to notice these two dimensions, your understanding of cinema will be much smarter and sharper. To take an example, please go back to pt. 2 above, and especially the observation that film does not communicate ‘through abstract symbols’. How then does it communicate? The answer : through concrete, flesh and blood symbols. With the help of camera angles and special lighting, almost everything becomes symbolic on film. The protagonists’ hair style, dimpled cheeks, the clothes they wear, the voice in which they speak, the way they walk, the way they smoke, the solitary glass on a table, the chair, the curtain – anything and everything can be loaded with extra meaning in a film shot, and through the device of repetition be made symbolic. For instance if you see the empty glass on the same table in more than one scene, it becomes symbolic. B. Let us now go to pt. 5 which stresses the power of the camera in creating a ‘sense of reality’. This is the cinematic experience, in a nutshell. You may be watching computer-created beings as in the Hollywood film Avatar, but they succeed in feeling and sounding like humans. The same perhaps can be said about the Tiger in the film The Life of Pi. This ability to convey the sense of reality endows the filmmaker with tremendous power – which can be used to great public benefit, or it can be abused. Try and think of examples of both use and abuse†¦

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Risks and Responsibilities of Coaching Swimming Essay -- Swimming Coac

Risks and Responsibilities of Coaching Swimming Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The purpose of this paper is to look at the area of risk management with reference to the sport of swimming. There is no doubt that the ability to prevent any types of injury to athletes is of the utmost importance. The safety of the athletes should therefore be the primary concern of both facility managers and coaches. By working together, one would hope, that all unnecessary injuries could be prevented.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the most severe injuries that can occur is that of a spinal injury. The area of prevention that addresses this issue is that of spinal injury management and it will be looked at more closely later in this paper. Even with all the extra emphasis in this day and age on safety issues, these kinds of injuries are still far too prevalent.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1996, Michael Berger and Judith Middleton state that in the United Kingdom, there are around 40,000 children each year that suffer from head injuries. Some of these individuals will have received severe injuries, in that they will have been unconscious for at least 20 minutes and so will most likely have suffered brain damage.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The sport of swimming has the obvious danger of drowning. There are also potential risks of spinal injuries caused by collisions with the floor of the pool, the walls in the pool and other swimmers. Many other injuries can be the result of a slippery deck or training equipment not correctly stored away. There is also a risk of injury from the chemicals which are present at a pool such as chlorine. Risk Management   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Aquatic injury prevention should be part of any facilities risk management program. Risk management involves identifying and reducing dangerous conditions that can cause injuries and financial loss. Thus, the aim of a risk management is in a way a kind of preventative medicine, to tackle the issue of a problem thus ensuring that those kinds of accidents will not occur. There are some that would contend that those individuals that suffer an injury are unfortunate victims of circumstance. Many injuries can be avoided through an understanding of the factors that can cause injuries to occur and then a knowledge of how to go about preventing such situations to occur.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Charles Bucher and March Krotee (1998) explain that there is an added risk in any physical education exercise as opposed to a ... ...water conditions, many dangers are in and around water.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Risk management in a pool environment is basically concerned with aquatic injury prevention. A highly developed risk management program will substantially reduce the risks of injury. By understanding how injuries are caused, one can better prevent them. Effective communication with patrons is critical for helping to prevent injuries. Through this communication, the patrons can have fun in a safer environment. References American Red Cross (1993). Community First Aid & Safety. Mosby Lifeline, St. Louis. (pg. 184) American Red Cross (1993). CPR For The Professional Rescuer. Mosby Lifeline, St. Louis. (pg. 10) American Red Cross (1995). Lifeguarding Today. Mosby Lifeline, St. Louis. (pp. 44-204) American Red Cross (1988). Safety Training For Swim Coaches. Mosby Lifeline, St. Louis. (pg. 26) American Red Cross ( 1992). Swimming & Diving. Mosby Lifeline, St. Louis. (pp. 33-317) Berger, M. & Middleton, J. (1996). Head Injury: Some Consequences For Injured School Pupils, Their Teachers And Schools. The Partnership, Southampton. (pg. 3) Bucher, C.A. & Krotee, M.A. (1998). Management of Physical Educ

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Back Pain Causes Effects Health And Social Care Essay

If you have back hurting, you are non entirely. Millions of people every twenty-four hours are enduring with different types and grades of back hurting that interferes with work, everyday day-to-day activities, or diversion. Back hurting is rather common today as it has become ordinary like if you are enduring from common cold, but we need to cognize about the causes of back hurting to pass over out the job from its roots. Back hurting makes the individual really compromising as the victim has to curtail his actions. It hampers the normal life and it is besides really frustrating. There are several causes of back hurting which are similar in symptoms to each other but a infinitesimal analysis can assist you to understand the type of back hurting you are enduring from. The cause of back hurting can be for many grounds ; overexertion of motion and activities that leads to twist or strive, trauma to the dorsum, fleshiness, weight addition during gestation, some businesss and degenerativ e diseases such as arthritis or osteoporosis. Symptoms may run from musculus aching to hiting or knifing hurting, limited flexibleness or scope of gesture, or an inability to stand directly. Trouble can be fixed at the right clip if we understand the existent cause of the job. Ignorance makes the job all the really terrible as back hurting should ne'er be ignored. Back Pain Causes and Effectss Our spinal cord at the dorsum is a complex construction. It is composed of 33 vertebras and more than 30 musculuss. It has a batch of ligaments, inter-verbal phonograph record and multiple articulations. The complex construction of lower dorsum means that even little sums of harm to any portion of the lumbar part can do a batch of hurting and discomfort.The lower back, serves a figure of of import maps for the human organic structure. These maps include structural support, motion, and protection of certain organic structure tissues. When we stand, the lower dorsum is working to keep most of the weight of the organic structure. When we bend, extend or rotate at the waist, the lower dorsum is involved in the motion. Therefore, hurt to the constructions of import for weight bearing, such as the bony spinal column, musculuss, sinews, and ligaments, frequently can be detected when the organic structure is standing erect or used in assorted motions. Deyo RA and Tsui-Wu YJ, ( 1987 ) said that, â€Å" Back hurting is one of the most common jobs impacting all people and it is the largest cause of work-related absence.It can come on all of a sudden or bit by bit and may impact anyone, irrespective of age, but it is more common in people who are between 35 and 55 old ages of age † ( p.264 ) . While it is clear that most people will see back hurting in their life, it is non ever clear why. aa‚ ¬Aâ€Å"In day-to-day life low back hurting is characterized by the fact that it comes and goes with a changing figure of backslidings and hurting strength. Time periods of betterment frequently slide into each other, sometimes with episodes of acute exasperation † ( Ahn NU, Buchowski JM, Garret ES, Sieber AN, Kostuik JP, 2000, p.1515 ) . The causes of back hurting scope from musculus strains and ligament sprains, to joint jobs and slipped phonograph record, to hapless position and heavy lifting. Other hazard factors are re lated to lifestyle, for illustration smoke, considerable corpulence, writhing, humdrum work, quiver of the whole organic structure, and dissatisfaction at work. Everyone ‘s dorsum hurting is different and it is frequently difficult to nail precisely what causes the hurting. The common cause of back strivings is due to assorted musculus strains or sprains. A low back musculus strain occurs when the musculus fibres are abnormally stretched or torn. A lumbar sprain occurs when the ligaments are torn from their fond regards. These musculuss, ligaments, and castanetss all work together to supply control and strength for about all activities. When the lumbar spinal column is strained or sprained, redness of the soft-tissues is consequences. For this ground, the lumbar spinal column is prone to injury, and when an hurt has been sustained, we are prevented from executing many activities. Peoples are frequently surprised at how painful and enfeebling a lumbar strain or sprain can be. They frequently force individual to stay in bed for a twenty-four hours or two, and can do intermittent symptoms for hebdomads. Some people are wholly recovered from an episode of lumbar musculus strain or sprain within one to two hebdomads and if the hurting does non lessen after one month, so it may be advisable to see a doctor. Another common cause of back strivings is fleshiness. â€Å" Obesity is an highly common status worldwide and it is one of several lifestyle factors that have been suspected of doing lower back hurting. From a public wellness position, it would be of import to cognize if lifestyle factors, such as bodyweight, play an of import function in its generation † ( Leboeuf-Yde, 2000, p.226 ) . Over the past decennary the prevalence of fleshiness has risen by 50 % , with the greatest addition in morbid or terrible fleshiness. An of import thing to observe is that the back castanetss that has to bear the weight of the whole organic structure. With all this information on the prevalence of fleshiness and associated diseases, one might infer that fleshiness can be a important beginning of back hurting. Overweight puts the back bone under much force per unit area which frequently consequences in intense back hurting and transporting excess weight will set an excess strain on the lower dorsum ; excess weight puts added force per unit area on the spinal column, which can do hurting. It has long been known that a rise in organic structure weight consequences in a geometric addition in the force per unit area on the spinal column. For those who are morbidly corpulent, the hurt to the spinal column is even greater. There are some simple things can be done to cut down back hurting that is aggravated by fleshiness. It is rather common for physicians to rede their patients to lose weight, either for the intent of cut downing back hurting or to forestall it. Yet another cause of back strivings is the business and bad position. Any business that requires the employee to take part in bending, raising, long periods of sitting or driving, such as nursing, building, mail handling, and mill work can add to the increased hazard of developing a back ailment. Chafin DB and Andersson GB ( 1991 ) said that † In many occupations heavy or frequent lifting, forceful motion and carrying of heavy tonss complicated by awkward organic structure position are day-to-day elements of required undertakings. If the burden is excessively heavy or the frequence of raising exceeds the tolerance, hurts to the dorsum can be the effect † . Three work-related factors are associated with increased hazard of back hurting and hurt, first factor is force. Exerting excessively much force on the dorsum may do hurt. If the occupation is physical in nature, the employee might confront hurt if he often lift or travel heavy objects. The 2nd factor is repeat which refers to the figure of times the individual execute a certain motion. Excessively repetitive undertakings can take to muscle weariness or hurt, peculiarly if they involve stretching to the bound of the scope of gesture or awkward organic structure positioning. The last factor is posture which refers to the place when posing, standing or executing a undertaking. If, for case, the individual spends most of his clip in forepart of a computing machine, he may see occasional achings and strivings from sitting still for extended periods. On norm, the organic structure can digest being in one place for about 20 proceedingss before he experience the demand to set. There for we can forestall these jobs by making regular exercising, avoiding standing or sitting for a long period of clip. For adult females, back hurting is ineluctable during gestation and most pregnant adult females will endure with back hurting during their gestation. Most of the clip the hurting in gestation is related and symptoms will lessen one time the babe has been born. The turning uterus and babe cause many alterations in the organic structure and back aching can be a side-effect of these alterations. Turning womb may besides do back hurting if it is pressing on a nervus. A difference in endocrine degrees can do musculuss and ligaments to go more relaxed, particularly during the last few months as the organic structure is acquiring ready for labour. The weight of the babe can ensue in a higher grade of curvature of the lower spinal column, intending ligaments and musculuss must accommodate and sometimes can experience strained. The Centre of gravitation will be easy altering besides, maintaining a house base with pess shoulder width apart will assist to antagonize this. The best method of forestalling back hurting during gestation is to be physically fit and active before construct occurs. Strong abdominal musculuss and a supple and flexible frame will all assist forestall general achings and strivings during gestation. When pregnant, it is of import to alter place on a regular basis and rest at frequent intervals to avoid musculus weariness and general fatigue. Furthermore, it is said that when we get old back hurting can catch us easy. For many of us, several things begin to go on to our spinal columns as we age, there is a lessening in bone strength and musculus snap and tone. The phonograph record Begin to dry out and lose flexibleness, diminishing their ability to buffer the vertebrae. This is non ever a bad thing, since phonograph record that are less full of fluid are less likely to tear. aa‚ ¬Aâ€Å"Degenerative alterations ( including damaged phonograph record, arthritis and osteoporosis ) are, patho-anatomically, the most common lesions associated with and presumptively the most of import cause of back hurting † ( Bogduk N,1997 ) . Our vertebrae Begin to inspissate, and our discs start to lose wet and form, arthritis and osteoporosis may go on. As a consequence, the spinal canal becomes narrower, seting force per unit area on the spinal cord and nervus terminations and doing hurting, numbness, or failing in the organ ic structure, this status is called spinal stricture and it is most normally seen in older patients. We can forestall this by eating a balanced diet rich in Ca and vitamin D, weight-bearing exercisings, following a healthy life style and eventually to take medicines to better bone denseness when appropriate. In Conclusion, back hurting is non a disease but a configuration of symptoms that normally is acute and self-limited but some causes are chronic, physiological and psychological. Coping with back hurting is the biggest obstruction to betterment. Back hurting may impact the quality of life and curtail the activity and placing the cause for each instance is indispensable for bar and direction. In most instances of back pain the dorsum will mend itself, and remaining active and go oning with the usual activities will usually advance healing. The badness of back hurting does non ever correlate with the badness of the hurt or harm, but there are some things can be done to forestall low back hurting and they can fix for faster recovery. Exercise plans that include aerophilic conditioning and beef uping exercisings can assist in cut downing the return of low back hurting ; maintain the back healthy and strong. For occupational back hurting, employee demands to larn how to raise objects safely to protect his dorsum. Standing position is besides of import there for while standing the ears, shoulders, hips, and articulatio genuss should be in line with one another. Eating a alimentary diet is of import to acquire plentifulness of Ca, P, and vitamin D which may forestall osteoporosis, which can take to compaction breaks and low back pain.Finally intervention for back hurting will normally depend on the implicit in cause of the status and if the hurting still continuity is of import to seek medical advice so that a right diagnosi ng can be reached and appropriate intervention can be given.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Red Cross Essay - 1518 Words

Paperclips. Usually, they hold paper together, but not in Linda Kimble’s case. Hurricane Katrina left her and many others in Monroe, Louisiana homeless. I was still in New Orleans when Katrina hit, recants Linda. I was in a hotel with other evacuees downtown and the wind kept slamming a door. Fortunately, they could find safety at the Red Cross run shelter in Monroe. Paperclips is the introduction to all of this because thats the nickname hurricane survivors gave to the volunteers at the shelter. The Paperclips worked with hurricane survivors to provide daily support and to help survivors orient themselves with their surroundings. Linda draws together the final strands of the connection, Paperclips hold paper and hold people†¦show more content†¦With such a high number of volunteers, it becomes difficult to train and teach them all, possibly leading to such problems involving loss of quality control with collecting and transferring blood. Unfortunately, the soluti on to the next problem is more volunteers. Perhaps the issue with which the ARC fails the most is resolving their work force, specifically volunteers. The way the ARC handled disaster relief after Hurricane Katrina, clarifies their shortcomings. After the land fall of Katrina, the ARC mobilized 170,000+ relief workers and had gathered 2,000 volunteers before Katrina even hit. They opened 1,470 shelters and registered 3.8 million overnight stays. Yet, these statistics are not as pristine as one might think. Several complaints were voiced about various, mostly busy ARC phone lines, inadequate assistance, or assistance that came too late, and survivors unable to find ARC relief stations due to hard to reach locations. More criticisms alleged poor communications and bureaucratic issues. The ARC acknowledged all these problems saying they simply were not prepared to deal with such a large disaster, and, therefore, the complexity of the relief tasks was unprecedented, and they n eeded a lot more volunteers than they thought. Not that this was too much of a problem, they received an numbers of Americans who wanted to volunteer. Soon enough, they were processing over 35,000 claims a day. But this massShow MoreRelatedChanges in the American Red Cross Essay973 Words   |  4 Pages(1) Changes at the American Red Cross have led to more transparency at the agency. These changes include making public record of its stance on governance and ethics policy. Also, each member of the board of directors is required to sign the Board Member Affirmation of Service, which mandates that each member actively participate a minimum of 15 days per year with the organization, read the Code of Ethics, and comply with the policy. 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